After a CMS-update this page went defunct and is UNDER REPAIR. You can read it, but come back later to see it in its full beauty!
A Selection of Works
- - „Kirchturm Rathaus Minarett“ In the 1990s: controvesy over erecting mosques in Germany (WDR TV, 30 min)
- - „Fasten und noch Spaß dabei“ Ramadan in Germany (WDR TV, 30 min)
- - „Was heißt denn hier Türke?“ Ethnic Identities of Migrants (WDR TV, with Yildiz Deniz, 15 min)
- - „Die Kraftprobe“ - Political Asylum in Churches (independent video, 50 min., und WDR TV, 30 min)
- - „Türsteher – soziale Auswahl an Discotüren“ doormen at disco doors(WDR TV, 30 min.)
- - Bildung und die Globalisierung about education and globalisation (WDR TV, 30 min)
- - „Unberührbar – Was haben die indischen Dalits von der Dekolonisierung?" Untouchables, their leader Ambedkar and decolonialization, issues today (WDR TV, 30 min)
- - „Wie Korea geteilt wurde“ about US-occupation in Korea and the aftermath today (WDR TV, 30 min.)
- - „Apartheid auf Deutsch“ catholic primary schools financed by the state in NRW – and their effects for social division (WDR TV, 30 min)
- - "Trash Books" and how they are sold unfairly, mainly on amazon - ARD plusminus v. 15.12.2021
- - „Freier – Männer unterwegs in der Grauzone des Sex“ Johns and why they visit prostitutes (Deutschlandradio, 54 min)
- - „Wie Korea geteilt wurde“ about US-occupation in Korea and the aftermath today. (WDR-radio, 54 min.)
- - „Mission undercover - koreanische Missionare“ korean missionaries in the world (Deutschlandfunk, WDR, SWR, Norsk Radio, BBC, 50')
- - „Seetang als Nahrungsmittel“ Alghae as food in the west (WDR, 15')
- - Ost West Mann Frau. Die Liebe in Zeiten des Kapitalismus. East West Men Women – Love in the Age of Capitalism (Deutschlandradio, 54 Minuten)
- - Der Strich. Konflikte um einen alten Ort A radio documentary revue on street prostitution (Deutschlandfunk, zusammen mit Lothar Segeler, 45 Minuten)
- - The Aid Audit Development projects revisited - 15 years after they were applauded at the Expo 2000 in Hanover (listen to it online at BBC World Service - my Website for it)
- - Der Kampf um die Vorhaut. Radio Documentary about the Male Circumcision Campaign that cut 25 Million African Men's Foreskin Deutschlandfunk 2020, WDR 2022)
- - Im Leben der Anderen, Radio Documentary about house- and petsitting, WDR 2022
- - Circumcision of Boys in the Kenyan Christian Churches , Deutschlandfunk 2024
- - Das Kirchenhasserbrevier The Church Hater's Brevier, Heyne TB Verlag 2010
- - Das WDR-Dschungelbuch The WDR Jungle Book, Handbook for Freelancers, 1st edition 2002, publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch Köln
- - Das WDR-Dschungelbuch The WDR Jungle Book, Handbook for Freelancers, 2nd edition 2012, publisher: Ulli Schauen, Köln
- - Das WDR-Dschungelbuch 3rd edtion online 2019: publisher: Ulli Schauen, Köln
Print (larger dossiers)
- - „Was sie Liebe für Liebe hielt“ dossier about violence in relationships, DIE ZEIT
- - „Der religiös-mediale Komplex“ Why do media people not mind mingling with the religious-medial complex, MIBS
- The WDR Dschungelbuch (see above) put online as a whole
- Critical blog on the churches' role in Germany (not updated, offline)
- Blog on Science Communication – for scientists who want to be noticed (in English - not updated at moment)
- Online-Crowdfunding for @AfricanForeskintales
Social Media
- tiktok: @africanforeskintales @gemuetszustand
- instagram: ullischauen - africanforeskintales - ulli.schauen
- youtube: uiuiui - Entdeckerkanal von Ulli Schauen
- youtube: @africanforeskintales
- find me under my name on linkedin, facebook and X (formerly twitter - not active at the moment)